About me

Hello, my name is Filip. I'm 24 years old.
My goal is for every single cafe, restaurant or company in general to have a beautiful website that can represent it in the best possible way.

I have been making websites for a few years now and coding for almost 10. I speciallize in front-end development but can and will be a full-stack developer if needed. 😄

If you are interested in working with me, please contact me via this email or via form in Contact section.

What I'm doing

  • frontend dev icon

    Front-end development

    Beautiful and modern websites made from scratch using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS.

  • backend dev icon

    Back-end development

    E-commerce integration, server architecture and database administration.



  1. Faculty of Organizational Sciences

    Information Systems & Technology
    2018 - Present
  2. Electical Engineering School "Nikola Tesla"

    Computer Technician
    2014 - 2018

    Early into my high school years I found love for Math & Programming, as well as other Electical Engineering subjects. I competed and was successful in City and National competitions in those subjects. In the last 2 years of my studying here, I found love in developing ideas and with few of my friends launched a startup.


  1. IT Support Technician

    2016 - Present

    Maintaining hardware performance, network connectivity, and software updates. Troubleshooting all network connection problems for clients. Assembling and configuring personal computers for clients. Installing and configuring Wi-Fi devices and Access points.

  2. Entrepreneurship

    2017 - Present

    I was a co-owner of a startup that worked on a few interesting projects. The first was Smart Medicine Box - designed to help people, especially the elderly, with taking their pills, using light and sound signals to remind them to take a particular pill/group of pills at a certain time. And the second one with which we won several great prices, Smart Stairs - designed to use the kinetic energy people release when walking on them to convert it into elecricity.
    After that I found love in making websites, most of those were made for our projects that we had, and aren't currently online. I decided to fully devote to Web Development earlier this year and that's why we are here.


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